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Saturday, 13 August 2011

Apple crumble cheesecake with caramel syrup

What do you do with leftover green apples and cream cheese? Of course an apple cheesecake. Then what do you do for a change of texture? Make some crumble and put it on top. After it has cooled, what else to add for a different taste in my cheesecake. Some bitter-sweet caramel syrup :)
Price: RM 29.60

Friday, 5 August 2011

Orange cake pops

 This time I tried making an orange sponge cake for this cake pop. Then dipped 'em in strawberry choc and coloured white choc. Choc rice/sugar crystals were used for the coating. This is so suitable for active kids! Then we wanted to try something more blood-sugar-level-friendly for adults, so K. Aria (also a baking lover), suggested we use bread crumbs/biscuit crumbs. So we did that and you can see the result below. It does  not look as colourful but taste just as nice.

Price: RM (TBD)

 No-we did not use the colour pencils to colour the cake pops :P